Staged Reading

What's Up - PPF at South Coast Rep

I went to this - Pacific Playwrights Festival at South Coast Rep.

All of this is made possible to me through the hard work and good graces of my wonderful girlfriend Bekah, who has a play being read at the festival.

It's about heaven and is called 'Going to A Place Where You Already Are'. The audience laughed heartily and softly cried about dying and the afterlife, which - for such a touchy subject - doesn't seem like an easy thing to do. It asks a big question, all while wrapped in a big blanket of optimism, and is peppered with sneak attacks of humor.

Another favorite was 'Vietgone', by Qui Nyugen. This is a hilarious love story told with a modern voice about refugees in the US after the Vietnam war. It turns Americans into stock stereotypes, has a Mortal Kombat slow motion fight, and uses hip hop verses for cathartic moments.

Plays can be so good, and they're where I started out, so all this has made me want to jump back in.

On that note - coming up soon I'll be performing in an FPLA staged reading on May 19th.